Friday, May 27, 2011

Determine what is important in a mattress

Before you start shopping for a mattress figure out what is important to your purchase.  If price is the issue, then determine what price range you want to stay within.  If it's a certain type of comfort or support do a Google search to get an idea of what products are available for you to compare. If you are not sure of what you want, that's OK, try various types of mattresses when you shop.

When you have defined your mattress purchase objectives you make your shopping easier.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The false security of big brand names

Shopping for a mattress is a daunting task.  Not only do you have no idea what is under the ticking, but you don't know which is the best mattress for you.  Many people feel there is security in buying from the big brand names, you know Sealy, Serta, Simmons or Tempurpedic.  The reason you recognize these names is the massive amounts of money spent advertising these companies  to make their brands stand out. When you buy a brand name, you are paying for their advertising which is built into the price of their products.

Building a  mattress is not rocket science and the smart shopper compares construction and comfort between brands not the false security of the brands themselves.